I recommend the article, “A community’s ills will be reflected in its schools” by Geoff Johnson, former superintendent of schools.

When Geoff was a school district administrator, he was asked “Are there drugs in the local high school?” His Socratic response, absent any attempt to be evasive, was “Are there drugs in the community?”

The article outlines other issues being dealt with in schools and what the role of the community should be. He acknowledges the B. C. School Act definition of a teacher’s responsibilities. There is no mention of policing duties in any contract he knows of.

Geoff states “It should be cast in stone that whatever exists in the community to which the community turns a blind eye – be it open air drug use, petty crime violence, distrust of the police, racism or gang related activity – those activities and attitudes are likely to find their way into the schools.” This is in fact happening now.

Community participation is integral to the Comprehensive School Health model. It is about partnership.

Examples of other articles by Geoff Johnson:

  • Who decides if smart phones support learning?
  • Extra curricula activities deserve to be a fully funded part of education?

rendering of high school front