Tanya Talaga’s Seven Truths highlights the fight for human rights among First Nations peoples.

The basis for the Audible.ca podcast Seven Truths comes from the Seven Grandfather Teachings that guide Anishinaabe life – humility, love, honesty, bravery respect, wisdom and truth.

The series explores the seven teachings through contemporary stories that highlight the fight for human rights among Canada’s First Nation peoples. The podcast is special to Talaga because it “goes to the heart of Anishinaabe storytelling, which is an oral tradition.”

“These are teachings that Anishinaabe people rely on every day, and they’re teachings that are said to lead us to the good, healthy life,” she said. “To know all of these seven teachings is to know the truth and I think that we can apply these teachings, to all of us actually.”

From an article by Victoria Ahearn, The Canadian Press – Tanya Talaga’s ‘Seven Truths’ podcast ‘goes to the heart of Anishinaabe storytelling