Is alcohol the new cigarette?

For everyone – some highlights from recent studies on alcohol use:

  • 7 different types of cancer are associated with alcohol.
  • Information is not being shared with consumers.
  • A lot of the economy is based on alcohol consumption.
  • Labels indicating safe portion sizes can deter high-risk drinking studies show.
  • Drinking 3 beers a week increases your risk of developing breast or colon cancer, while sipping a daily glass of wine can make you more likely to develop heart disease and increases your chance of having a stroke, according to a new report highlighting the health risks of even moderate alcohol consumption.
  • Three to six drinks per week puts someone at moderate risk of negative health outcomes.  Six or more standard drinks per week puts a person at a high risk – More than 6 drinks a week leads to higher health risks, new report suggests — especially for women

The report suggests a few drinks aren’t as harmless as we thought.

UVic scientist wants labels on alcohol to show health risks – Cindy E. Harnett, Times Colonist, September 4, 2022

“The guidelines reflect a lot of new science that shows the risk is higher than has been previously appreciated.  While the guidelines don’t pull any punches, the goal isn’t to tell people to stop drinking but to help consumers make informed choices.” – Dr Tim Naimi, UVic Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria

The current guidelines, released in 2011, suggest limiting alcohol use to 10 drinks a week for women and 15 drinks a week for men.

The message is “drinking less is better for you,” said Naimi. “I think the new guidelines reflect a lot of new science that shows the risk is higher than has been previously appreciated.”

Also read: Sober Thought Needed on New Alcohol Guidelines