Healthy School News

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Using Families for Life Resources

Using Families for Life Resources

30 Ways to Spend More Family Time is an excellent resource for finding family time. Hanging out with family is incredibly valuable.  It’s a chance to chat about our feelings, share stories, and cook up delicious meals together, all while boosting confidence and social...

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Can happiness be taught?

Can happiness be taught?

Academics who hope to answer that have found reasons to smile. I recommend this Globe and Mail article by Erin Anderson: Can Happiness be Taught? Academics who hope to answer that have found reasons to smile. Some highlights from the introduction: There are no exams...

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Wellness quotes

Wellness quotes

Uplifting quotes can inspire and motivate individuals. My son once sent me a birthday card expressing what he thinks about the quotes/clippings I have relayed to him over time: Outside the card: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM, and thanks for all the advice you’ve given me over...

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What Works in Schools

What Works in Schools

WHAT WORKS IN SCHOOLS is an approach to school-based health from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The program has been shown to improve health behaviors and experiences, support mental health and reduce suicidality in the schools that implement the...

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The Power of Music

The Power of Music

Music is an integral part of our wellbeing. A friend has 2 daughters in middle school. The school district was contemplating cutting school music programs to save money. Imagine! Why Music Should be in Every Classroom by Joan Koenig shows why music should be in every...

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What is Wellbeing?

What is Wellbeing?

The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as: “The state in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community”. Wellbeing involves...

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In Search of Happiness

In Search of Happiness

A recommended essay in the Otago Daily Times (Nov. 7, 2022): Nobel Prize laureates’ take on lasting joy yields wisdom Author Gil Barbezat, emeritus professor of medicine, goes in search of happiness. Some highlights: *  Acquiring happiness has long been an elusive...

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A Guide to Parenting in Cancel Culture

A Guide to Parenting in Cancel Culture

A special article by Shawna Cohen in the Globe and Mail, September 10, 2022: In real life and online getting cancelled is toxic to kids and teens. The author of the article reports how parents and educators can help. Some highlights from the article: Cancel culture is...

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