For Parents, For Teachers & Principals
I recommend the article, “A community’s ills will be reflected in its schools” by Geoff Johnson, former superintendent of schools. When Geoff was a school district administrator, he was asked “Are there drugs in the local high school?” His Socratic...
For Parents, For Teachers & Principals
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Adolescence and School Health Videos These videos provide valuable information about taking a school health approach. Investing in Student Health – The Importance of Partnerships – The video outlines how...
For Parents, For Teachers & Principals
There is no magic formula for creating a healthy school community. There is no one-size-fits-all. Dr. Dan Reist of The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR), writes about the comprehensive school health approach that seeks to nurture a variety of...
For Parents, For Teachers & Principals
If “it takes a village to raise a child” then what does it mean to be a village? What is the role of connection technologies in our educational community and family settings? How do we help change the context of our children’s lives? One size does not fit all. Take...