Curriculum Outline
“Wellness: A Question of Balance”
A Resource for Educators and Facilitators
The Wellness Wheel Model is the core of the Resource.
It provides a framework for lifelong learning about health and becomes the anchor for a school community culture.
- Developmentally suitable for age 15 – adult
- Holistic approach with the centerpiece of a Wellness Wheel of eight spokes and a hub of personal responsibility (the nuts and bolts)
- Adaptable to meet the needs of diverse groups
- Supports a re-invigoration of a school health and wellness agenda
- Measures program success (what works, what doesn’t, what’s missing)
- Addresses topics related to all of the health dimensions
- Encourages individual development and commitment to a long-term healthy living plan
“Students and Transition: A Teacher Guide”
“Teens and Transition: A Parent Guide”
Here’s how to ease the transition to high school to overcome anxiety about:
- Being picked on and teased by older students
- More choices
- Harder work, lower grades
- Making new and more friends
- Getting lost
These two Guides are designed to address the needs of students and their parents and to build a bridge for the critical communication between elementary/middle school and high school.
Many transition concerns confront students and their parents. The Guides aim to reduce alienation and to increase positive attitudes and involvement related to school and learning activities.
The interventions include activities to establish a welcoming and socially supportive school community. The Guides can also be adapted for going to college, university, work, travel.
- Programs, procedures, activities information provided.
- Social support activities give the opportunity for students to get to know and develop positive relationships with older students and incoming peers.
- Brings elementary/middle school and high school personnel together to help meet the needs of their students (eg. supportive advisory group activities and responsive remediation programs).
- Engages students and parents in making decisions about their education and their school.