diversityWarning! Schools can damage your health.

Alienation from school can impact behaviour. Traditional school health education is not sufficient to tackle promotion of healthy lifestyles. Changes have to be made to the school environment and ethos.

There is a need to reach young people in their home and community setting. — Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health (first published online March, 2008), C. Smith, L. Moore and A Bauman.

Prevention/Intervention Strategies

Changing Directions, Changing Lives, the first mental health strategy for Canada developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, was launched May 2012. As much as 70% of young adults reported that symptoms of mental health problems began in childhood. Early intervention through programs in schools for parents of young children would significantly avoid downstream costs. — David Goldbloom, Chair of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, senior medical advisor at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.